Critical Review Of An Article

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Critical Review of an Article

Critical Review of the Article


In the article “Bidirectional Relationships between Employee Fit and Organizational Change”, the main focus is that as from the past decades the organizational culture and environment has become a prominent theme for business and management research prospective. The reason is because of the determining the potentially desires outcomes of the employees.

However, there are various studies made to look at the factors that was a predictor for the organizational culture including the work-related results and outcomes, like job satisfaction and performance evaluation. The article highlights the fact that among the employees, the younger employee accepts and understands more that the loyalty for their company or the organization they are working for is actually a losing proposition. The employee understand that they are no longer dependent on accepting the company's policies, decisions and practices which are not meeting their needs or awoken as their career aspirations. There are various studies that find that the fit between the environment and the person (i.e., P-E fit) was a significant predictor of work-related outcomes like the job satisfaction. In fact, from the various studies, Steven d. Caldwell focus that, P-E fit was popularly viewed in the past, as a predictor or an independent variable affecting the dependent variable of employee outcomes (Yang, 2008, 567-587).

Discussion and Analysis

The match between employees and their vocations, jobs and organizations has been the focus of the majority of past person-environment fit research. The compatibility between individuals and their work team environments is a more recently recognized, but much less studied, type of fit. Person-team fit is conceptualized here along two fundamental dimensions of team environments: interdependence and social interaction. Results from a study involving 209 cross-functional team members indicate that person-team fit has an impact on satisfaction, commitment, trust and performance.

Person-Environment Fit

In the article the author describes that there is a vast research that has examined the degree of fit between the person and environment, that is P-E fit or person-environment fit that is linked with the satisfaction. Thus, self-correcting feature of the organization is called homeostasis, the employees act to ensure stability in the satisfaction of needs and protected from disturbance may be caused that balance.

Stress in Organizations

Occupational stress (burnout or in English) appears for ten years as one of new major risks to which organizations and will have already faced. For decades, the Anglo-Saxon and northern Europe were concerned about the stress at work. France is, by cons, long remained silent on this issue. However, since the 90 years, several studies have investigated the role of working conditions on mental health, illustrating the consideration of this subject. The last reference text is the law of social modernization which introduced especially in the new Civil Code articles concerning the harassment or the employer's responsibility vis-à-vis the protection of physical health but also moral of its employees (Malik, 2010, 223-235).

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The change in the work is made ??more complicated by the ...
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