Critical Review

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Critical Review

Risk factors related to the development of pressure ulcers in the critical care setting


The research study is prepared by Toshiko Kaitani, Keiko Tokunaga, Noriko Matsui and Hiromi Sanada and published in Journal of Clinical Nursing. Toshiko Kaitani is a student conducting research from the University of Tokyo, Keiko Tokunaga is a professor belonging to the department of practical nursing methodology in Japan, Noriko Matsui is a research associate belonging to the department of wound care management, and lastly Hiromi Sanada who is also a professor working in wound care management, and a graduate from the school of medicine in Japan (Kaitani, T. et al., 2010). The research focuses on the agenda of ways to reduce the risk of decreasing pressure ulcer at early phase of admission in clinical settings and the risk factors contributing in formulation of ulcer pressure. The study followed a cohort study pattern in which is quantitative in nature and describes the stated agenda of the research in detail (Power, C. & Elliott, J. 2006).

Type of Study

The given research study is quantitative in nature as it aims to investigate the bond between the two variables, which are risk factors associated to ulcer pressure at early admission in clinical settings, where ulcer pressure is dependent upon the extent of risk associated to its development or clinical care. Furthermore, this type of research design lies under the descriptive methodology because it is focused on developing the association or bond between the above stated variables. Descriptive research design is used to describe the features and types of data used in research; however, it does not address the cause of the problem stated in the research. But it provides accurate and reliable quantitative results of the data used in the research that is why it is also known as statistical research (Richey, C. R., et al., 2007). Being a descriptive research, the researcher has based research on more than 100 set of sample data i.e. 606 patients admitted in hospital in ICU i.e. Intensive Care Unit in order to maintain the accuracy and reliability of the quantitative result. The researcher has managed to reduce the biasness in the quantitative results by randomizing the sample data.

Purpose of Study

The observed research paper's main focus is regarding identification and investigation of the risk factors contributing to the progress of pressure ulcers amongst patients that are admitted in clinical settings. The primary objective of this research is to formulate the score system in this regard for intensive care units at hospitals. Because once, risk contributors are identified the further alterations can be done with respect to nursing department role and responsibilities that could prove to be helpful in preventing the pressure ulcer (Kaitani, T. et al., 2010).

Hypothesis of the Research

The given research study has no particular hypothesis, however, it can be estimated from the literature review conducted from past and existing studies of pressure ulcer that authors must be expecting somewhat similar results, which highlighted that the older population in Japan is more exposed ...
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