Critical Reflection Essays

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Critical Reflection Essays

Critical Reflection Essays

Teamwork Essay1



Use of Introduce Yourself Forum2

Criteria and Procedure for Selection2

Forming Own Teams3

Working as Part of Team3

Methods used for Communicating, Coordinating and Collaborating4

Face to Face4



Instant Messaging5

Overall Impression of Working in Team5

Challenging Parts of Working in Team5

Future Team Work6


Project Essay8



Experience of Working on Project8

Challenging Areas9


Pre-requisite Knowledge10

Project Management Issues10

Defining the Outcomes of Project10

Challenging Areas11

Defining the Project Outcomes11

Future Project Work12


Teamwork Essay


Team work refers to work collaboratively with other people for achieving a goal. In a team every person has to take a role on the team, contribute ideas and share responsibilities. In teams, it is very important to be flexible in terms of staying positive, keeping the lines of communication open and in meeting the changing demands ( Teams are an important aspect to get the projects and tasks done. This assignment is a critical reflection essay on team work. It focuses on the quality of work, communication skills, team member support, collective decision making, fulfilling the assigned roles, definition of roles and participation.


Selection of team members is a very important stage in forming teams. It order to have a successful team that is able to achieve results and goals, the right members should be selected who will work together to achieve their common goal ( I formed a team to complete a project in a course. In this team, there were six members. As assembling a team to complete a project is a very critical task, each member for the team was selected very carefully. It is because, when a proper team is formed, it improves the efficiency and the outcome of the project. It is very important to have the optimal combination of personalities and skills to complete the task in an effective manner. After determining the purpose of the team which was to complete a project, different roles and tasks were determined; this was followed by the selection of team members. Initially, the skills and abilities needs to complete the goal of the team were determined so that the appropriate people could be included in the team (

Use of Introduce Yourself Forum

According to my perception, I did not require the use the Introduce Yourself forum as the team members selected for the team were all acquaintances. As I knew all the people who I wanted to select for the team, I did not feel the need to use this forum to know the potential members. The skills and knowledge of all the potential members were known and I knew which member had the proper mix of personality attributes and skills to achieve the goal of the team. Therefore, I believe that I was able to select the potential members without the use of this forum.

Criteria and Procedure for Selection

In order to select team members, the task of the project was divided into components along with the skills required to complete these different tasks. This was followed by paying attention to the specific requirements of the project such as the knowledge which the ...
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