Critical Reflection Assignment

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Critical Reflection Assignment

Critical Reflection Assignment: Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards


The mission of every health care department is to enhance the health and well-being of patients by offering them with efficient fitness and human service which can only be ensured by keeping check and balance over organization. Health care providers such as nurses play an integrated and significant role in social care. Providing care for individuals with specific need is one of the most manifested practiced. Care providers carry out persistent and wide-ranging practices that are rehabilitative, curative and preventive in nature. The values and viewpoints of health care are footed on the faith that care being provided to an individual, a family unit or group of individuals advocates and augments the health care of the populace all together. Hence it is important for nurses to work as best interest assessor in order to give quality care especially for the people who are totally relying on them like mental care patients.


Mental health conditions gives rise to several ethical issues that have significant effect on both, the individuals suffering with mental health problems themselves and on their close friends and family who provide the care and support to them- and of course the society as whole too (Perry, 2009, pp. xvii).

The Mental Capacity Act Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) were introduced in England and Wales in April 2009. They allow care homes and hospitals to obtain a power to detain residents or patients who lack capacity, if this is necessary in their best interests to protect them from harm. A deprivationof freedom can just be approved under the act known as Mental Health Capacity Act (M.C.A) when there is proof that an individual does not have capacity for particular decision making regardingwhether there is a need to accommodate them in care home or in hospital and when the planned arrangements of care which deprive that individual of their freedom are for their betterment.

All social and health care commissioners and providers should thus have better knowledge regarding M.C.A. This will make sure that suitable MCA's assessments are performed, encompassing all probable efforts to authorize individuals to make appropriate decisions for their selves. It will even make sure that decisions which are made for those who do not have enough mental capacity are for their own betterment.

However it is to be kept in mind that there aren't direct powers of implementation linked with the part. If we come to know that the use ofDeprivation of Liberty Safeguards is incorrect, we may though take an action under the act known as Health and Social Care Act. Various Health and Social Care Act rules have references to components of Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards - for instance in the rules addressing welfare, safe-guarding, consent, and general care.

Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS)

Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards were presented to give a lawful context around deprivation of liberty in treatment and care setting, and avoid breaches of European Convention on Human Rights (E.C.H.R).

Enforcing the Safeguards must ...