Critical Reading Reflection

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Critical Reading Reflection

Critical Reading Reflection


Whether preparing a review of a competition, a written test or just a moment that counts as a job interview, the failure is scary. There are many different ways of saying what failed. We cannot succeed without at some point or another, have failed somewhere. The greatest successes have been built on failures. It is important to get rid of the word failure. The word "failure" should no longer reach you emotionally. Often the source of frustration and demotivation and the pursuit of a goal are often unrealistic, unattainable (Stuckey, 2005). Of course, we must avoid falling into an abundance of caution, but nothing prevents to be lucid. Hope is not about pretending that there are no problems. It is the confidence of knowing that these are not eternal, that the wounds heal and the difficulties will be overcome. Life is made of millions of moments, lived thousand different ways.

Thesis statement

Many students just need someone to understand their problem and spend some time with them to help them overcome their problems instead to labeling them as failure. Family and social environment influence learning ability of a student so teacher should always motivate their students with hope of success.


The author, Mike Rose in “Lives on the Boundary” gives hope to American education system. There are language and cultural barriers and many students and graduates who cannot read and write at an acceptable level. Many of those students are labeled as remedial and relegated to distinct classes, regardless of why they cannot read and write at an acceptable level (Jones, 2006). This is a label they carry through their many years of school and into the working world. Rose relates his experience growing up in South Los Angeles, the son of immigrant parents. He tells of the difficulties he experienced in the American education system(Elbow, 2008).

The major theme of the book is that there is hope. This is the message of the book and the overall point Rose is making. He, himself, is a symbol of hope despite the problems he had in school. A mix up of records at the beginning of high school had him assigned to the Vocational Education program, which is for remedial students, instead of the college prep curriculum in which he belonged. This error was remedied during his junior year when he had an English teacher, Jack MacFarland, who became his mentor and helped him gain entrance to Loyola University (Rose, 2005).

Part One

I was a talented writer when I was a child. I loved to create stories. I was used to write the stories on a sketch book and showed them to my parents. I liked to write, but I lost interest in writing five years ago when I came to USA. I lost confidence of writing, and I started to hate writing when I was in De Anza College. I am an international student and still learning English. Whenever I tried to write, I could not find a suitable ...
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