Critical Marketing

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Critical Marketing

Critical Marketing


The main purpose of this paper is to make an analysis on the concept of critical marketing and discuss the aims and objectives of the critical marketing. The research on the topic of critical marketing is very limited and very few researchers have made their contribution on the topic of critical marketing. Among those authors, one of the important contributions has been made by Tadajewski and Brownlie in 2008. According to Tadajewski and Brownlie (2008), the role of critical marketing is not limited to only make criticism and scrutinizing the techniques, but it also has the aim to bring improvements in the way through which the marketing works in contemporary society. Thus, the paper makes an analysis on the concepts and the ways through which critical marketing is helpful in the marketing.


Marketing is an activity performed by the organizations for developing, creating, exchanging and delivering different offers which ultimately helps in the increase in customers, and provides value to customers, society, partners and clients. Marketing has proved to be the main contributor behind the success of a company. The researches show that the companies spending a huge amount and expertise on effective marketing get higher return and generate higher revenue. It is one of the important tools of the company which helps in bringing the customers to the company. Marketing helps in creating the awareness of company's products in the minds of customers. Thus, it is a very important tool behind the success of a company. One of the important factors related to marketing is the critical marketing (Appadurai, 1988, p. 56). Critical marketing is that aspect of marketing which is used to scrutinize and providing critique to the different techniques and consequences involved in the critical marketing. Along with providing the criticism on the marketing activities, critical marketing is also involved in providing the assistance in the different ways which can be helpful in bringing improvements in the ways through which marketing actually works in the contemporary society. The function of providing assistance in the improvement of marketing is considered to be a very important issue in the critical marketing. This is one of the reasons behind the importance of critical marketing. There are different academics that pay lot of attention on this aspect of critical marketing. According to the critiques, this is one of the constructive approaches which can be used in the marketing field because it emphasizes on the bringing development in the contemporary society through marketing. One of the important contributions in the field of critical marketing has been developed by Tadajewski and Brownlie. This is considered to be one of the most effective approaches of in the field of critical marketing (Tadajewski, 2008, p. 90).

The main focus of the critical marketing is to criticize on the traditional techniques related to marketing and provide the best ideas and solutions which could be helpful in terms of bringing improvements in the contemporary society. The theme of critical marketing is mainly related to the ...
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