Critical Infrastructure Protection

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National Strategy for Physical Protection of Critical Infrastructure and Key Assets

National Strategy for Physical Protection of Critical Infrastructure and Key Assets


A series of terrorist acts that swept the world in the last few decades has shown that mankind has entered a new phase where the solution of important policy challenges in an armed confrontation can be used quite numerically small units or even individual suicide bombers. At the present time as a goal, the defeat of which can cause enormous damage to the state and its citizens, properly considered, not only military, but first and foremost objects of civil society, loss of or destruction of which everyone, including those due to the cascade effect, can lead to damage comparable to being struck by the armed forces. In the National Strategy for Physical Protection of Critical Infrastructure and objects of national heritage, stated goals and principles of the national security infrastructure, as well as determine the conditions combining the efforts of various government and private entities to increase their security.


In general, the challenges facing the U.S. departments and agencies on the security of the national territory in terms of combating terrorism include maintaining a focused exploration to determine the likely areas of the nature and methods of terrorist attacks, as well as team sites, recreation and treatment of terrorists (Amoroso, 2012). Strengthening border security and communications systems in order to prevent acts of terrorism in all forms of transport. Counter-intelligence software to work with the assistance of the FBI in addition to other law enforcement agencies (identification of persons suspected of terrorism, the organization of secret surveillance over them, making connections, funding, etc.) for the timely suppression of terrorist activities. Protection of key infrastructure, disruption of which can lead to serious disruptions in the functioning of state institutions (Department ...
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