Critical Incident Analysis

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Critical Incident Analysis

Critical Incident Analysis


My critical analysis involves a service user I have worked with at my placement. Her name has been changed in order to protect her confidentiality and I shall refer to her as N.P. throughout this essay. I shall give a brief description of what happened during this incident. My rational for using this incident is because it has provided a good basis of critical analysis.

Critical Incident

A critical incident is defined as an incident which causes someone to think and reflect and this can lead to learning about themselves and others. This incidence involves N. P. who is a 32 years old British Black who has been diagnosed with a chronic illness (HIV). N.P. has been referred to social service since she has low mood and she refuses to take her medication. N.P is a single mother who lives in a private accommodation with her two children C.P and S.P. C.P is 6 years old and S.P. is 2 years old. N.P was given notice and was due to be evicted from the property and she did not know where she would go to live. Although she was on the council list biding for property she had no idea that her condition was exceptional and would have to be dealt with in regards to the exceptional panel.

N.P realized that she would become homeless in few weeks time according to the date of her Poisson of Order Letter that she had received from the court. N.P had contacted the council in regards to the letter she had received. She was told by housing officer that she will be re-house through the council but due the shortage of housing within the local borough she will have to accept housing outside of her local borough. Such statement was difficult for N.P to accept as it was necessary for her to remain within her local borough.

Although, N.P moved recently, it was difficult for her to settle the children into school and nursery. Moreover, it is difficult for her to access GP and services that she has been receiving. One of N.P main concern why she was adamant to move within a different area was because of her illness and the way she was been stereotyped while she was living at the previous borough. Even though her current living condition is in a bad state she would rather to remain there, knowing that her illness is not known to anyone rather that the professional who will be working with her.

I have received a call from psychologist of N.P who told me that N.P has gone back in her previous condition (low mood) and that she is concern of the down sloped that she has taken. I then received a call from N.P SW stating that she has been trying to get through to N.P but she is not picking her phone. I have reassured both the psychologist and the SW that I will do all I can to ...
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