Critical Evaluation Report

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Critical Evaluation Plan Report

Critical Evaluation Plan Report

Brief Summary of the Project

The basic aim of this project was to carry out a project known as STEM - Study and Train in Event Management for which I had to develop a PR plan for one of the renowned Event Management and Community Interest Company Aspire4u. The target audience for the project included individuals aged between 18 to 24 years of age, in order to be able to support and develop opportunities for individuals that are unemployed and face other issues related to unemployment and fall with in this age range. The supposed benefits that the target population was going to achieve from this project included things like, increased organisational skills, increased analytical/critical thinking skills, increased problem solving skills, increased ability to work under pressure and to deadlines, and increased networking skills, Personal Development, Professional Development, Communication skills, Presentation skills.

For this purpose, the communication and PR strategies of Aspire4u were studied and analysed for areas that needed improvement. The issue that Aspire4u was faced with was based on the fact that though the Company had lots of experience in vocational training and programmes, but they had been unable to create a stir in the market, which meant that the number of participants taking part in the program was much lower then their expectations (Seitel, Fraser. 2007, p. 48-54). Therefore, the main objective was to make a PR plan that could create and increase awareness about the STEM project and reach the desired audiences by ensuring them to have maximum number of benefit from this project.

The creating of the PR plan for the STEM included carrying out a SWOT Analysis, Target Public Analysis (Demographics, Influencers, etc), Analysis of the Stakeholders, and identification of the problem, strategy which would address the realism of their targeting and awareness, objectives, Key Messages, Rational, Tactics and an Evaluation report or an overall assessment (Kurtz, Dave, 2010, p. 44-47). My role and responsibilities in carrying out this project included having preliminary discussion with the Aspire4u, checking and evaluating the previous drawbacks, understanding their current situation, need and objectives, carrying out research and contacting various associated organisations for the programme, having one on one Interaction with them like youth forums, community organisations, creation of the PR plan, setting clear objectives and strategies to achieve within a time frame, creation of personal page on Facebook and Twitter, usage of social media, improving and updating the website with all the relevant information, networking with various organisations and follow-ups, sending monthly newsletters to the target audiences about the relevant information regarding the stem project, publishing of a press release about the STEM programme, making brochure's or pamphlet's to distribute and to show to various organisations, setting a timeline to measure the success of the PR plan, keeping in touch with the company and tutor to give them the updates via email, telephone and on one on one sessions, creating and maintaining a personal diary/blog to keep the records for personal guidance, sending ...
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