Critical Evaluation Of "homeland"

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Critical Evaluation of "Homeland"

Critical Evaluation of "Homeland"


The drama serial that will be evaluated for this paper is the US drama series Homeland that first aired on October 2, 2011. The program has, in general, received positive ratings and has been hailed as one of the best drama serials in modern times. The theme of the drama refers to combating terrorism that has emerged as a very lucrative way to engage the audiences' post 9/11. There are subplots in the drama that deal with the human emotions and the stressful life of the agents of intelligence agencies. The foremost reason for selecting Homeland is its natural ability to attract the global audience as it is linked with the on-going war on terror. It should be noted that topics related to national security, and foiling terrorist attacks has been a favourite choice for film and TV that is evident in films such as Speed and Die Hard and in Television drama such as Homeland and 24. The Rambo series is another example that depicted the Americans as the most concerned people on earth to combat terrorism. Television is a very powerful media as it is consumed by the global audience; therefore, television is extremely popular in shaping the beliefs and attitudes of the people. This critical evaluation will discuss the drama series from the perspective of content, as it is acknowledged to be the most important part of the overall production value. Furthermore, it has the capacity to attract audiences in large numbers. My research will also endeavour to keep the argument as objective as possible.


Argan, M et al (2007:161-168) are of the view that the content in a television drama straddles the boundary between storytelling and engagement. The characters become part of the household and they interact with it in their daily lives. Neuendorf (2002) emphasizes on the fact that the dynamic nature of television makes it possible for people to familiarize with someone or something. In the context of the drama series, Homeland, it offers a mixture of familiarity with the incidents that took place on 9/11 and this offers freedom to an intellectual effort to think about novelty and creativity in terms storytelling.

The foremost unique selling point (USP) of the series is closely connected to the world events. Curran (2002) is of the view that the content must also capture the attention of the viewer and have the capacity to keep them on the edge of their seats. From a social perspective, this show is spewing hate and detestation for a particular group. The primary reason is that there are millions of Muslims residing in US and the UK, then why would the show depict Muslims in such a shallow manner. This social issue needs immediate addressing and a single group, that too a minority group should not be targeted in such a way on national television. This is just going to instil more hatred among the different communities that America does not really need at the ...