Critical Evaluation

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Critical Evaluation


In his essay, Idiot Nation, the author attempts, once again, to educate the nation on its own fallacies. Since Michael Moore is known for his satirical movies about the nation of America and how it is losing its own footing in the path towards progress, his essay is read with some preconceived notions at least. In this paper, I will attempt to analyse and evaluate the reasoning behind Moore coveting to this research topic as his thesis.


In his essay, Michael Moore gives the audience a retelling of the federal government and its antics based around statistics of education, of how government funding is slowly decreasing in numbers for the development and growth of schools and libraries seem to be in a state of disrepair. He points out that the U.S government has forced the libraries and schools to use outdated and old materials which have led to a state of disregard among not only the educators but the students as well. Children who are to become america's future presidents, doctors, engineers and so on are on an international ranking that is not on the same level that it was a few decades ago, which is basically leading to lower standards of life and employment. Once again, Moore comments on the U.S Governments inability to look beyond the progress of war on other nations, and directs the audiences attention to how much funding the military is provided as opposed to institutions, centres and universities in the United States. He raises valid point about America's inability to compete in the race for progress, which is one which the nation has always considered itself to be high on the list. Moore points out that almost half of the population will be readily available for a recitation of tv programs and ...
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