Critical Case Analysis - Edmunds Corrugated Parts And Services

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Critical Case Analysis - Edmunds Corrugated Parts And Services

Critical Case Analysis - Edmunds Corrugated Parts And Services


In today's fast pace of competition, the organizations are required to implement and carry out such strategies and approaches that provide them with ultimate success and the growth. There are various issues and factors within the internal and in the external environment of the organization that directly affects the performances and the profitability of the organizations (Stefan, J., 2010).

The Edmunds Corrugated Parts and Services is also one of the organizations that have faced serious issues while carrying out its business processes. The following section aims at discussing in detail certain factors that will enable us to know that how the organization has faced the issues and how the strategies have been used by the organization in order to maintain its position in the industry and to maintain its profitability margins.


Analyze the issues faced by Edmunds and describe what lead the company to this situation?

There are various issues that are faced by the Edmunds Corrugated Parts and Services and such issues have led the organization to have the situation that it is in the present scenario. The most significant factor was that the owners of the organization did not have enough level of financials and also they did not have the enough level of capabilities to manage the resources that they have in order to run the business effectively. The organization took start of the business operations with weak ground and foundation. It was also the major issue that the organization lacked the capability of employing many people so that the demands of the customers can be met adequately and the business operations can be managed with great effectiveness. In the initial stages the industry was not growing properly and this aspect also ...