Critical Care

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Stress among nurses in critical care

Stress among Nurses in Critical Care


It has been recognized worldwide work stress has become a problem of growing importance that occurs in all trades but especially in care work. In today's fast moving and hectic environment, there is immense pressure of work and related activities making it difficult to maintain personal standards and care. Continuous pressures from work related activities forms stress in the human, which plays a key role in generating mental and physical problems in an individual.

In simple terms, stress can be identified as the rate of wear and tear on the system of human body caused by various reasons. There are many reasons from which stress generates and this anxiety is becoming a major problem at work. Individuals are facing problems relating to stress and are finding it difficult to cope up with such trauma. Nursing is a profession, which is adhering to such attributes of stress, as the occupation is very demanding and requires immense dedication. Consequently, the healths of nurses are in serious threat and could be affected by dangerous consequences of stress and there is an essential need of developing strategies of nurses stress response (Makinen, 2003, pp. 197).

It is understandable that nursing requires dedication, and working in such domain or operating as a nursing staff in any area of hospital requires hard work and patience and to cope with such attributes it becomes a very stressful experience. Moreover, working and operating in areas such as the intense care unit or the crisis room requires immediate responses from the nursing staff resulting in increased levels of stress, as the patients require a high level of care. The height of responsibility increases when working in such critical care unit, as the patients require a very high level of integrated care and the risk associated in critical care of such patients is very high and many a times generates stressful conditions for the nursing staff.



The purpose of the paper is to determine and understand the capability of how and how much the nursing staff can cope with stress related experiences and how it affects them in their daily work life and furthermore the responses that the nurses present to patients when critical situation arises. The relationship between the patients and the nurses needs to be sound and healthy to acquire optimum benefits for both, as critical care requires great dedication, it is essential to denote an understanding between the two. Such understanding can only be developed through building strategies with the critical unit, which could help the nurses with decreased level of stress leading to better and improved performance and care (Fetter, 2000, pp.111). Moreover, the decreased level of stress in among the nurses can improve the quality of professional work in the critical care unit.

The level of stress is increasing day by day in the profession of nursing, as nurses have to deal with numerous patients in a day at the hospital having different problems, which requires nurses ...
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