Critical Business Enquiry

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Critical Business Enquiry

Influence of CEO's Participation on Information Technology Related Projects

Influence of CEO's Participation on Information Technology Related Projects


Organizational Projects

Organizational projects of any kind, requires planning, concise management and absolute control to yield the expected outcomes. Whether is it the building of the Pyramids in ancient time, or it is the implementation of modern communication or information technology systems, a competent management and a responsible stakeholder are a foremost requirement and of foremost importance (Bourne 2006, p.2).

Information Technology

Penetration of information technology has been vast and deep since the time of its conception and implementation. Its usage is cosmic and broad in application. Pharmaceuticals, for instance, use the information technology for maintaining and providing sterile and hygienic environment according to the standards of health. It helps them to deal with the manufacture of medicines in a way that does not threaten the standards of health and medications. Workers operate the machines and give commands through modernized information and computer technology.

Other firms also incorporate information technology profoundly, including organizations associated with customer related functions and travels. Hand-held computers and records management databases serve as an immensely valuable tool in carrying out the tasks and chores efficiently. Subsequently, the outcomes and sales also increase.

History of Information Technology

From the early beginning of the IT industry, IT researchers and promoters highlighted important relation of information technology with various management and strategic levels of the firm. Information Technology relates to the firm's strategies in their formulation, implications and integration with other interrelated processes. According to Porter and Millar (1985), Information Technology also relates with the value chain. They assert that main purposes of Information Technology are to develop and maintain coordination between the activities of the chain (Micallef & Powell, 1997 p. 376).

Information Technology is also one of the most powerful tools for competitive advantage. It opens up gateways and paths for the identification and categorization of opportunities for firms or organizations. Bakos and Treacy (1986) assert that the firm's advantage and its competitive strategy majorly depends on the information technology and its implications. Mostly, there are two important types of Information Technology orientations in organizations: strategic and operational. Firms which have a focus or orientation of information technology as a strategy consider IT as a weapon for competition and for the development and modification of novel and innovative business opportunities.

Firms that have an operational orientation of Information Technology centre on utilizing information technology as spending rather being a thing on which a company spends. These firms are of the viewpoint that IT should be reducing operating expenses and allowing the firm's business to compel and drive the IT decisions (Banker et al, n.d p. 2). Information Technology is a proven advantage and competitive edge for the firms.

Information Technology and Management

To manage and handle the strategic and organizational relations of information technology with the firm's goals and objective is as important as the firm's hiring and other related processes. Leadership and management for the information technology is pivotal to the better performance and results of the ...
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