Critical Appraisal Of A Research Paper

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Critical appraisal of a research paper

Critical appraisal of a research paper

The research assessed the quality of study presented in the article defining medical phenomenon that is increasing significantly, as is plantar fascia. You need to understand that plantar fascia should be observed beyond a medical perspective, to include a multidisciplinary framework, from a bio-psychosocial perspective, which takes the concept of quality of life related to a state of complete physical, mental and social, and not just the absence of disease. The aim was to investigate the quality of life of plantar fascia patients for the past years. The critique will consider the patients perception on various out founts, considering the information provided and study analyzed by Karl B. Landorf and research fellows. Landorf studied that the plantar fascia is a band of tissue, much like a tendon, that starts at the heel and runs along the sole. It connects to each of the bones of the foot pad. The plantar fascia acts like a rubber band between the heel and ball of the foot to form the arch of the foot. If the band is short, you will have a high arch, and, if the band is long, you have a low arch, what some people call flat feet (Riddle & Johnson 2003, 872-877).


Karl B. Landorf and research fellows mentioned in the article that shortly after the heel strikes the ground in normal walking, the foot goes into pronation to absorb the force of impact. Pronation involves a loosening of the joints of the midfoot so there is more give and a slight turning out of the forefoot while the calcaneus or heel bone itself tilts over to the inside and dips its nose down. This results in the force of landing and weight bearing being spread through a number of bones, joints, ligaments, and muscles rather than just in a direct line through the heel to the ground. One of the important structures in this mechanism is the plantar fascia. This is a tough, flat fibrous tissue that spans the sole of the foot from the front lower edge of the calcaneus to the base of the toes supporting the long arch of the foot like an unusually wide bowstring.

It also sends further slips along the toes that serve to tighten the plantar fascia when the toes are curled up (as when taking off from that foot). As the foot goes into pronation the long arch tends to collapse slightly, and the plantar fascia is stretched and stressed. This is a normal event. However, if the stresses are suddenly increased by, for example, rapid weight gain or large increase in distance walked, and then microtears can develop in the plantar fascia. This results in small areas of inflammation that can accumulate and cause pain. This commonly affects the middle section of the plantar fascia or its attachment to the calcaneus (Kwong & White 1988, ...
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