Critical Appraisal: How To Teach Adult Learners

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Critical Appraisal: How to Teach Adult Learners

Teach Adult Learners


Adult learners have different needs and motivations than students starting their education for the first time. Adult learners look for ways to grow within their careers, and for the new career opportunities that education may provide. This drive may stem from financial needs, or a desire to present an example to their family. Families fulfill a role key to the success of the adult learner. In balancing all of the aspects of their lives, adult learners may look to their family as a source of inspiration or motivation. The adult learner may return to school as part of a drive to better not just themselves, but the life of their family as well. Adult learners, also require relevance in the knowledge they seek. Adult learners seek to incorporate their past experience with new knowledge. Increased self-esteem is both a motivating factor and a result of continued education with adults (Dean, 1994, pp. 56-256).

Ways to teach Adult Learners

There are many motivations for pursuing a career. Family is one of the major motivations in pursuing a career, being motivated by family traditionally following or fulfilling the express wishes of a parent or other close relative. Others choose a career to generate substantial or steady income, as well as to meet current or long-term financial needs. Others are attached to a career as an outlet for creative expression and innovation.

Adult learners seek a career because they offer the possibility of positively affecting the lives of others or of their communities. Respect is another reason why adult learners want to obtain a career. Gaining respect from co-workers and other associated is an important issue to the majority of the adult learners. Adult learners have a variety of motivations that influence them in pursuing ...
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