Critical Analysis Of The Kilgore College's Crisis Management Plan

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Critical Analysis of The Kilgore College's Crisis Management Plan


Kilgore College - Organization1

Types of crisis5

Kilgore College Crises Plan - Important Aspects8

Potential Situations Not Addressed11

Strengths and Weaknesses of the Kilgore College's Crises Management Plan11

Crises Management Plan & Vulnerable Population12

Cultural Considerations in Kilgore College's Crisis Management Plan13




Critical Analysis of The Kilgore College's Crisis Management Plan


Crisis management is the methodology by which a company manages a major unwanted event that rises as a challenge to damage the company, its stakeholders, or the overall population. The investigation of crisis management was initiated with the substantial large scale industrial and ecological calamities in the 1980s (Shrivastava et. al, 1988).

Three components are identical in an emergency situation: (i) a danger to the association, (b) the component of shock, and (c) little time to decide (Seeger et. al, 1998). A conversional process whereby no longer maintenance of an older framework or system can be upheld is the definition of crisis management, as quoted by Venette (2003). Need for change therefore becomes the fourth quality. In the event that change is not wanted, the event can likely be said as “failure” in appropriate terms.

As opposed to management of risk, which includes surveying potential dangers and uncovering the most ideal approaches to dodge those dangers, crisis management includes managing dangers in the recent past, throughout, and after they have happened. It is a discipline in a broader sense of management that involves aptitudes and methods needed to identify, survey, comprehend, and adapt to a calamity situation, particularly when the procedures for the recovery are initiated.

The plan that entails out the directives or actions about what is to be done in case of emergency or crisis is named as “Crisis Management Plan” (Devlin, 2006). The institute that has been selected for the analysis and evaluation of its crisis management plan is Kilgore College.

Kilgore College - Organization

Kilgore College is headquartered in the Longview, Texas, United States of America. It is one of the renowned two year, publicly supported community college.

The college has been successful in producing a number of quality alumni's over the past several years. The evolution or the history of the Kilgore College is interesting and has spanned more than seventy five years. Even the Kilgore College has certain association with the development of the town Kilgore in the east Texas whose foundations were laid by C.M. Buck Kilgore in 1872. The family of Buck Kilgore was settled in Danville, a nearby area. Mr. Kilgore understood the benefits of living near railroad when International and Great Northern Railroad started building their terminal at about four miles to the west Danville. He moved to that place with his family which is located near depot in today's Kilgore.

The benefits of living the near the railroad were widespread and people started moving towards the town of Kilgore. The approximate population of the Kilgore town in that era i.e. by 1880 was about three hundred. The population included drugstore, eight saloons, two mercantile stores, hospital, several nice homes, five dry goods stores, ...