Critical Analysis Of “the Applicability Of The Theory Of Planned Behavior To Abusive Men's Cessation Of Violent Behavior”

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Critical analysis of “The applicability of the theory of planned behavior to abusive men's cessation of violent behavior”


This paper aims to study the impact of the application of the theory of planned behavior on the abusive behavioral attitude of men towards their partners. The impacts are evaluated on the basis of subjective norms, their intentions, their past experiences, and their expectations. The effects of this theory are discussed and evaluated, resulting in positive outcomes on the nature of men towards their lives. The theory of planned behavior is found to be effective with the implication of perceived intentions.

Critical analysis of “The applicability of the theory of planned behavior to abusive men's cessation of violent behavior”


The author had described the behavioral attitude of men towards their families, especially their life partners. The author had focused on the changing of violent behavior of men in to non-violent behaviors with or without the use of interventions. The theory of Planned Behavior was applied to such people in order to eliminate or at least minimize the extent of their violent attitudes.

Issue Identified in the Article

This article is focused on the issue of violent behaviors of men towards their families. The research is focused on the issues faced by the families and the life partners with such attitudes of men in their daily lives. The violent behavior includes the abusive responses on simple matters, and the act of battering to their wives. Battering is the worst act of men against their women in order to emphasize their importance. They need improvement in their attitudes and treatments regarding this issue as women have their self-respect. None can bear the violent behaviors for a long time. These behavioral attitudes result in the form of separation and then the impact of social justice system is also involved in the form of prison or punishments.

Source of the Issue

The research conducted by the author presents the source of the issue in the form of men living in the society. Men are found to be committing violent acts with their families and partners. Women are at the risk of their lives with such men in their lives. Their attitude towards their families is of worse nature. Such men tend to destroy the peace of a happy living life. Women alone cannot manage it for their families, but the support of their husbands is of immense significance in this regard. But men behave violently based on their nature of attitude.

Significance of the Issue

The issue of violent behavioral attitude of men carries greater level of significance to the family and also to the society. Men are responsible to lead their families in a well-mannered and well-managed way in the society in order to sustain the peace of the society. However, as this research presents the character of men in the society in the form of violent behavioral attitude towards their partners, the role of men is taken as an important factor to be considered. Their attitudes towards their families should ...