Critical Analysis Of Research Paper

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Critical Analysis of Research Paper

Critical Analysis of Research Paper


This paper aims to assess a research that was carried out in the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. The primary objective of the research was to determine the underlying relation between autonomy and motivation. The paper analyzes various aspects of the research, reviewing the research paradigm, analyzing the methodology used to achieve the objective, and the relevance and validity of the findings.

The Research Paradigm

The primary purpose of the research paper that is the subject of this study is to determine the underlying relationship between autonomy and motivation. the background of the research was to understand whether students need to be motivated in order to develop within them the ability to learn English autonomously or if motivation is not a factor that drives their eagerness and ambition to learn. The researchers use a qualitative research model in order to assess the relevance of the hypotheses. The research is essentially carried out by conducting an analysis on already existing research material and by reviewing the opinions and findings of the researchers. This makes it a secondary research the findings and conclusions of the researcher conducting this particular study are based purely on the existing data that has been provided through previous researches.

Research Question

By using already existing research data and findings, the research aims to assess the underlying connection between autonomy among students to learn the English language and the level of motivation that they possess. Therefore, research question that the study aims to answer is:

“Does autonomy precede motivation, does motivation precede autonomy, or does the relationship work in both directions?”



“Autonomy precedes motivation”

Hypothesis One essentially assumes that autonomy precedes motivation. It implies that students need little motivation to be able to learn English autonomously and that motivation follows on later.


“Motivation precedes autonomy”

Hypothesis Two works on the supposition that motivation precedes autonomy. It basically works on the assumption that motivation is essential to the ability of students to learn English autonomously without any assistance from their teacher.


“The relationship works both ways”

Hypotheses three aims to imply that the relationship between the students' motivation to learn the English language and autonomy is a reciprocal one that works both ways.


Certain issues can be highlighted in the research study and these affect the credibility of the findings. For example, the research bases its conclusions on findings that are gathered through an evaluation of a sample population that is restricted to a single educational institute. This essentially means that the findings of the study cannot be applied to a larger population since they are limited to a small sample population of only 508 participants and that too from a single educational institute. In order to gain a better insight of the effect that motivation has on the ability of the students to study autonomously, it is imperative that the researchers broaden the mandate by expanding the scope of the research including students from more schools established in Hong Kong into the sample population.

Another major issue with the research study being critically analyzed in ...
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