Critical Analysis Of Quantitative Nursing Study

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Critical Analysis of Quantitative Nursing Study

Critical Analysis of Quantitative Nursing Study


In this paper I am going to perform critical analysis of a research article named as “Nurses' preparedness to care for women exposed to Intimate Partner Violence: a quantitative study in primary health care” by Eva M Sundborg, Nouha Saleh-Stattin, Per Wändell and Lena Törnkvist. The article was published in 2012. The main purpose behind selecting this article is to know and discuss the impact of intimate partner violence in health of women and importance of appropriate interventions offered to victims by the nurses of primary care. IPV is the most common types of violence against women that is performed by intimate male partner or by husband (Liebschutz, 2008). It includes physical aggression, forced intercourse, psychological abuse, and various other forms of sexual coercion. It also includes restrictive behaviors like isolating person from friends and family or restricting access to assistance and information.

Violence by an intimate partner and sexual violence is a serious and widespread problem in the world. In addition to the human rights violations they cause great harm to the physical, sexual, reproductive, emotional and mental health, and social well-being of individuals and families. Research states that IPV has significant impact on health of women and children so health professionals must offer appropriate interventions to support and treat the victims of IPV (Stenson, 2001). Nursing research like this article improves and raises the standards of nursing profession along with significant improvement in nursing practice. However not all the findings of the study are properly done and can be used as basis for practice of nursing. Therefore it is important to critically analyze nursing studies to fill the gap.


The title of the research article clearly defines the aim of the research which is to assess the preparedness of nurses to identify and provide nursing care to IPV exposed women who attend primary health care (Sundborg &Törnk, 2012). This purpose is interesting, relevant, and feasible. The author has well conceived the title of the study.


The paper provides an abstract which quickly provides required information about the research. The abstract part of the study is important specifically in nursing research because it provides main theme of the study. This is mainly done for the busy reviewers. It is also important for expert reviewers because it provides with the opportunity to decide on the acceptability of the research activity. In this nursing article, the abstract is divided into four sections: background, method, results, and conclusion. In background section the analysis of previous researches was shown. According to previous research IPV has been recognized as public health problem with huge impact on health of women . The effects can be seen both during and after the violence. The study has collected the data with the help of questionnaire. The result section of the study highlighted various significant findings from the study. The results are written in such as way that encourage and attracts the reader to continue with reading the ...
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