Critical Analysis Of “a Rose For Emily”

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Critical Analysis of “A Rose For Emily”

Story Plot

The story begins with the funeral of Miss Emily. The story is quit old and no one has come into his house except for the maid. The house is old but was once the best in the region. Since 1894 the village had a special relationship with Ms Grierson, when they decided to leave to collect taxes. However, the "new generation" was not happy with that agreement and went to visit Ms Grierson and tried to make it pay its debt. She refused to acknowledge that the agreement was no longer working and refused to pay.  Thirty years ago, people had a strange encounter with Miss Grierson because of a bad smell coming from his house. This happened about two years after her father died and disappeared shortly after her lover. The smell was becoming stronger and people complained a lot. However, authorities did not want to meet Emily and decided to sprinkle lime around her house and eventually the smell disappeared.  Everyone was sad for Emily when her father died. He left the house but had no money. When he died she refused to acknowledge this fact for three days. People did not think it was "crazy" but assumed that would not let go of his father, although one could say he stole his youth. 


The short story A Rose for Emily written by William Faulkner is a story about an old lady known as Emily living in the city of Jefferson. The story is published in the traditional Faulkner technique of a loading awareness. A Rose for Emily features the concept of corrosion in the city, the home, and in Forget Emily herself. Set in the beginning twenty thousands, the story reveals with the city figuring out about Emily's loss of life. The story is informed by a mysterious narrator who lifestyle in the ...
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