Critical Analysis Assignment

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Critical Analysis Assignment

Critical Analysis Assignment

A department that implements and studies the government policies and academic discipline and also prepares the civil servants to take up these challenging tasks is commonly known as public administration department. It is one of the most active and essential department of a country that monitors the public movements and activities and provides effective feedback to the government officials in order to manage the concerns or issues of the public in an appropriate way. Public administration is a field of inquiry that holds diverse scope and its main goal is to bring advancement in the policies and management, so that the government can function accordingly (Osborne & Hutchinson, 2009).

In the view of Robert Denhardt and Janet, public administration is an institution that promotes the public interests and democratic values. Both of them have stressed on the need to move away from the entrepreneurial public choice model, which stresses on providing effective services to consumers and it promotes public service in a democratic participatory manner. Public administration is normally concerned with the management of government programs and policies along with the behavior of officers that are formally accountable for their conduct. There are many people who are not in favor of public administration, as they consider it a department that restricts and bounds or limits the activities and policies of the government.

Public servants can be recognized as public administrators that include county, state, regional, federal and heads of city departments like human resource administrators, census managers, cabinet secretaries, state directors, city managers and municipal budget directors. Public administrators are those public servants, which are serving at all the levels of the government in public agencies and departments. The public servants are required to manage public services, as these services are considered of great important to a country (Osborne & Hutchinson, 2009). The emphasis on new public administration is getting heightened due to total quality management aspect, the national performance review and management of results movement.

All these activities ensure quality work that is highly required to render effective public services. The new public administration is anti-technical, anti-hierarchical and anti-positivist reaction against the conventional public administration. one the major concerns that have been highlighted in the new public administration filed is this that it does not offers the public servants an alternative model that can help them in resolving the issues that are emerged due to tensions ...
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