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Research Method and Business Statistics

Research Method and Business Statistics





Research Purpose

Research Objectives

Research Questions

One objective of the study is not linked to the purpose of the study. Research questions are not linked to objectives or purpose of the study.

The objective of the research should be related to the title so that the real purpose of the research is fulfilled. The researcher should take into consideration the correct research topic.

Research Philosophy

Identification & Justification (Positivism, Realism, Interpretivism)

No identification or justification. It is important because it affects the methodological choices and makes explicit the assumptions with regard to ontology and epistemology of the research.

The philosophy mentioned in the research is according to the research title. This means that the researcher knows on what topic he has to conduct his research, and he also knows about the previous researches.

Research Design

Identification & Justification

Deductive (framework or model included)


The research design is not appropriate and does not explain the design that the research will be following. This means that there is no justified design which will not be helpful for the researcher.

The searcher should have clearly mentioned the research design and should have discussed it in an appropriate way. Though, the author has included a theoretical framework, it does not clearly explain the design.

Research Strategy

Identification & Justification


Case study

Grounded theory

The research strategy of this research was according to the research topic, and was followed appropriately. A total of 250 surveys were distributed, out of which only 144 got answered by the respondents. The survey was distributed by means of mail, e-mail and by distributing it hand-to-hand. This shows that not many people were interested in participating in the survey. This shows that only 57% people were interest in participating in the survey. A major reason why many people were not interested in the survey was because they simply did not want to answer the questions. People who took an interest in the survey were the ones who answered the survey with interest, as well as, honesty.

Out of the 57% percent people who answered the questions, answered each and other every questions which means that the whole 57% answered all questions. This shows the reliability and credibility of the research. Every person who was a part of this study and who participated in the survey answered all questions. The respondents got divided into a number of groups on various grounds. The first group that the respondents got divided into was the age. The second group in which the group of respondents got divided was the gender. Next, the group was education and then was the number of years worked. In total, there were four groups; however these four belonged to the demographic groups.

The second grouping got done according to the company. The employees of the company got questioned if they were appreciated or not, and according to the results, most of the employees i.e. 83% said that they got appreciated. The rest of the employees that they were not appreciated at ...
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