Critical Analysis

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Critical Analysis

Cultural Aspects of Multi-Channel Customer Management (Critical Analysis)


In a time of rapid changes in technology and highly unpredictable markets, manufacturers need your chances of innovation increase to market needs and customer requirements to meet, to maintain a long-term competitive advantages, said the skills manufacturer of the highest product and service innovation can be twice to earn the profits the manufacturer without innovation. Given this, the effective development of innovative capacity to the needs of highly competitive markets just become unpredictable, an important issue for manufacturers.


Effective CRM between manufacturing companies and industrial clients has not only customers but also encourages them to improve important ideas into products and services. CRM helps companies improve their knowledge of customer tastes and preferences. The effectualness of CRM are increasingly seen as a means to develop the capacity for innovation and sustainable competitive advantages. However, previous studies on the use of CRM structure and corporate culture focused improve performance. The relationship among innovation and CRM purposes have not been adequately studied. Thus, the purpose of this study to empirically test the relationship between these two important programs. Since both are multi-dimensional structures 00:59 association between them and developed must be tested. The questionnaire of the next section of the literature regarding the multidimensionality of the possibility of innovation and CRM. Consequently, several hypotheses of the study created to 00.59 clock between the different aspects of innovation and CRM capabilities to study. It follows the study design, such as forms, samples and measurements and then discuss the statistical results and management implications. (Calder, 1977, 353-64)

CRM refers to the use of a global strategy and technology to seek, receive and maintain a customer friendly and to maintaining long term relationships Claycomb et al. (1999) defined as an activity of producers to understand customer needs and improve customer satisfaction practiced CRM. Trot customer orientation is a critical success factor for businesses and management of the organization can focus on their customers. A good Customer Relationship Management strategy can increase sales by improving relationships with customers, strengthen customer loyalty. (Alberto, 2006, 184-94)


Normally there are two streams of literature CRM, CRM development and content of the CRM. Reinartz et al. (2004) divided the CRM in the process of initiating, maintaining and ending with the terms of the process. to improve the contrary, the contents of the CRM various activities related to customer relationships, for example be noted that CRM includes practical activities of producers to meet customer needs to identify the preferences of customers, management, customer complaints, to after-sales service and create long-term relationship with customers. He suggested that companies build mutual trust, information exchange and joint problem solving with our clients obtain competitive opportunities. Largrosen (2005) and emphasized the importance of customer transactions at the time of such long-term relationships and communication with customers are crucial to the development of the management of the supply chain. (Calder, 1977, 353-64)

In recent years a rapid development of information technologies to an economy with a global, industry-led virtual and ...
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