Critical Analysis

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Critical analysis

Critical analysis


In this paper the scenario has been analyzed, it discusses articles which have been published in different news papers; in the middle ground, Daily blab, Hearsay Express, and Daily letters. In these articles the tragic death of Mrs. Wanda Doff she was 70 years old, she has died in the Karemore NHS Trust and this happened because of the errors originated in the radiology department. And the cause of the occurrence of these errors is that the new equipment has been installed in the department but no proper training has been provided to the staff to use that equipment. In this paper this scenario has been critically analyzed.

Critical Analysis The management of healthcare issues is very important due to the potential environmental hazards and public health risks. Hospitals are fully responsible for the patient care service, and the improper management of health care can have a direct impact on the community, and the individuals providing health care services. Although it is a responsibility of the management to ensure that the patient is receiving a required attention, because the safety of a patient is very important to meet health care challenges, many patients die in the hospitals when they have not been given proper attention, and sometimes it is a fault of the physician. Many hospitals were spending more on health care for the better growth, but there has been a change which has taken place which has occurred with the use of modern and advance technology in the hospitals (Taylor-Adams, 2000, 143).

The health care economists has attribute about 50% of the annual increase by health cost related to the use of new and advance technology or the advance use of the older technology, but on the other hand the expensive and high tech medicines has been blamed to rise the health care cost. But it has been observed that the medical technologies were not always contributing towards the rising the standard of the hospitals, it also tends to increase the health care expenditures, and requires a special training for the correct use of the technology. If the person using new and advance technology and does not know how to operate that technology, it will tend to create a big risk to the patient's life (Leape, 2007, 377).

In an article published in the Middle ground it is about a woman who has died at Karemore NHS trust it happened in the result of unawareness about using a new system because the information present in the system regarding the patient have been lost for example the patient's record of waiting list and appointment for the treatment tends to be lost. There are some factors determining the quality care, and sometimes create the occurrence of adverse outcomes. And the analysis of those adverse outcomes it seems to be more difficult to move beyond and control the mistakes occurred by human error or fault.

Technology constantly innovates, and it tends to simplify certain aspects of life, the ...
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