Critical Analysis

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Critical Analysis

Critical Analysis Article 1

Article 1

The first article to be analyzed here is “How Free Is Solar Energy?” written by Sandra Upson. According to the article, “Renewable-energy technologies promise to liberate us from fossil fuels. But this implies that their energy payback periods—the time it takes for a system to recover the energy used to produce it—is just as important as financial payback. If you install solar cells on your roof, you want the system to pay for itself eventually, but you also want to help your country get a grip on global warming and stop depending on foreign fossil supplies.” (Upson, 2008, 1)

Solar Energy or Solar Power is that type of energy which is produced by the Sun which is the most important and significant star viewed from Earth. This energy is abundant in nature and can be termed as infinite as compared to such sources of energy such as electrical, chemical or fuels such as minerals, oil or diesel.

Solar Energy is the most single and reliable source of energy currently available to Mankind. It has been estimated that the amount of energy consumed by the entire population of Earth is about equal to the amount of energy which is emitted by the Sun in only 40 minutes of day time.

Another impressive fact related to Solar Energy is that the amount of Energy which reaches the Earth during the entire day is about equal to what the entire population of Earth (6 Billion) will consume in a time period of 27 years. If it does not change one's opinion of using Solar Energy, then nothing will. (Solcome House 2004, Solar Report)

Article 2

The heart and core of this article overviewed here is based upon the “Nanotechnology and Solar Power” written by Dexter Johnson. This article told us the story of the most important technology being developed related to expansion of this renewable energy is a 'Nanotechnology'. It is a device which converts light energy into electricity.

The Most Important technology being developed related to expansion of this renewable energy is a 'Photovoltaic cell'. It is a device which converts light energy into electricity. It is commonly referred to as a 'Solar Cell' which powers many of our daily life instruments such as wrist watches and calculators. Photovoltaic cells are primarily made up of Silicon. When silicon is combined with several other materials, it exhibits unique electrical properties when exposed to sunlight.

The advantages of using Photovoltaic cells are that they are reliable, so they can be used in devices such as satellites which are impossible to repair when in orbit; efficient, as the 'fuel' being used is sunlight which is limitless, always available and no maintenance cost is required for the parts as they are unmovable, to environment friendly, as they produce no poisonous substances or gases such as CFCS (Chlorofloro Carbons) which damage the Ozone Layer and in turn change the climate all over the world. They are silent and clean, as compared to other energy producing ...
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