Critical Analysis

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Critical Analysis

Critical Analysis

The research study selected for critical analysis is the “Supporting families in the ICU: A descriptive correlation study of informational support, anxiety, and satisfaction with care”. The purpose of the study is to understand and interpret the meanings of real and practical experiences of visiting the patients in Intensive Care units and their families. Research analysis is done to evaluate the credibility of this study.

Protection of human participants

The participants of the study were selected based upon the convenience sampling method of the study that involved responses from the participants through questionnaire. The participants were selected bases upon convenience sampling for the study. The study involved the responses from patients who had been in the intensive care unit along with their relatives or family members who attend them when the patients are in intensive care units. The participants were selected based upon the specific criteria of the study which involved the age of participants up to 18 years, their ability to read French and English, comparatively in good health in order to participate in the study and having a close friend or relative hospitalized in the intensive care unit for at least twenty- four hours. The identity of the human participants was kept anonymous and it was not disseminated to any one without their permission. More than 1 family members of each of the patient were allowed to participate in the study because they can bring different perceptions and experiences regarding their stay at the intensive care unit. Along with this, the family members who have already participated in the previous admission were also allowed to participate in eth current study because they might have different experiences in each admission to the intensive care unit. However, readmissions were not included in the whole study period. The study involved ...
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