Critical Analysis

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Critical Reading in Early Childhood Studies

Critical Reading in Early Childhood Studies


Childhood education is an essential aspect for the progressive society and this is one of the crucial investments that one can make (Bluebond & Korbin, 2007). At the very initial stage of human brain development, the child has a great opportunity and potential to gain from the academic, cognitive and social skills which further will determine a child's success throughout schooling and life.

However, the long before established values and beliefs on the early childhood education has been challenged by many scholars (Kehily, 2008). Researches have to be critically analyzed so that one understands the purpose, aim and the outcome of the study. The purpose of the study is to critically analyze studies in relevance to the childhood education. The research article chosen are three articles, article 1 being “Looking into early childhood teachers' support of childrens' scientific learning” by Kaite Edwards and Judith Loveridge; article 2 “Information Literacy: The Missing Link in Early Childhood Education” by Kelly L. Heider and article 3 “The good parent in relation to early childhood literacy: symbolic terrain and lived practice” by Sue Nichols, Helen Nixon and Jennifer Rowsell.


Article 1-“looking into early childhood teachers' support of childrens' scientific learning”

This research focuses on the way early childhood professionals help build scientific learning of a child from the perspective of the practitioner (Edwards & Loveridge, 2011). This study emphasizes in regards with the learning community about the early childhood setting, they took a case study approach and the data generated got collected and analyzed. The results implied that there are different approaches appointed by teachers to deal to sociocultural pedagogy in the support of scientific learning of children. Their personal understanding of the subject, pedagogy or knowledge of science NOS are three important and interconnected factors.

This research shows that collaboration in teaching practice can support in developing teacher's abilities to help build scientific learning in children. Increasing the teachers' knowledge will help also in their personal pedagogy and thus also influence the child scientific learning. It however shows that they are many factors to take into account and if there is focus on the early childhood professionals it will help form a scientifically literate society which will help us all.

Article 2- “Information Literacy: The Missing Link in Early Childhood Education”

This paper discusses how vital are the instructions of information literacy in education in early childhood (Heide, 2009). Two skills that are necessary for survival such as critical thinking and problem solving are increased by early information literacy in the form of teacher librarian curriculum planning, informational texts With so much information it is difficult for them to manage but in this information age it is imperative for one to include information literacy be using informational texts in collaboration with teacher librarian. Also guides could be given to teachers for informational literacy which could be used to guide them. Along with schools need invest in quality school libraries for the strong future of ...
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