Critical Analysis

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Critical Analysis of an Addiction Research Report



Information about the Research Article1

Critical Analysis2

Objectives of Research2

Alcohol Consumption and Brief Motivational Intervention3

Adverse Effects of Alcohol3

Motivational Intervention4

BMI (Brief Motivational Interviewing)4

Change Talk in Motivational Interviewing Theory5

Clinical Settings5

Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT)5

Coding of Speech6

Aim of Research7

Research Method7

Biasness in the Research8

Research Contribution towards Improvement of Practice8



Critical Analysis of an Addiction Research Report


Inappropriate consumption of alcohol has affected our society to a great extent. A common man knows the potential threats of alcohol consumption on his health. Excessive drinking has adverse effects on human health and cognitive behaviour of people. It affects the way we think and perceive elements of life. Medical experts have designed interventions to address the issue of alcohol addiction. The researches in the field of medicine and healthcare facilitate ways for improving treatment. That is why researchers in the field have to pay close attention to every detail of the research. It is equally essential to analyze the subject from all possible perspectives and communicate the findings in a meaningful way.

This assignment presents a critical analysis of a research article. The research article discusses the concept of change talk in motivational intervention and its effects on the drinking pattern of the participants. The purpose of this analysis is to evaluate the research article from varying aspects of communication and analyse the inputs of the research findings in assisting the research problem.


Information about the Research Article

Title: “Change Talk Sequence during brief motivational intervention, towards or away from drinking”.

Authors: Bertholet Nicholas, Faouzi Mohamed, Gmel Garhard, Gaume Jacques & Daeppen, J. Bernard.

Publication Information: The research was submitted in the year 2010, to facilitate Alcohol Treatment Centre of Lausanne University Hospital.

Critical Analysis

Objectives of Research

The authors chose to investigate the impact of “change talk” sequences on the drinking patterns of the subjects, during brief motivational intervention. For that matter, they chose a sample of 97 participants to provide brief motivational intervention. Upon analyzing the research, one may find that the research does not focus on a particular age group of people. The research incorporates a group of people irrespective of their age. BMI (Brief Motivational Intervention) was provided to addicts brought at emergency, and the group consists of young, middle aged & old. People of different age groups develop a different understanding toward habits and attributes. The acceptance of change may have an association to mind sets which people develop at various stages of life. Individuals may respond differently to same concepts, and their responses are influenced by their life experiences. A young boy may want to try alcohol because he never tasted it before. A middle aged man might consume alcohol because he has developed a habit of it. A young individual may consume alcohol to engage with his fellow companions. The authors explain that alcohol consumers have a higher risk of liver improper functioning than normal people. Alcohol addicts are vulnerable to deadly diseases like stroke & cancer. That may either take their life or make them disable for their entire life (Bertholet et al, 2010, ...
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