It is a widely known perception that nowadays because of the technology, class lectures for the students have become least interesting and they usually do not to attend the lectures. For this purpose, a researcher organizes the study in which he has taken a sample of 20 students of the same subject out of the total of 50 students to analyze whether this perception has any valuable meaning or not.
Aims of the Study
It has been planned to find any significant difference in the marks of the students who attend the lectures for a given period of six weeks.
A total of 20 students have been collected as a sample out of 50 students to find out the significant difference in the marks of the students who attend the lectures and those who do not attend the lectures. A total time of six weeks has been given to the students to see this difference i.e. results for the test marks has been taken in week 1 and then after 6 week to give students a standard time to prove that the lecture attendance certainly works or not.
Critique on the Scenario
The research design used in this research is not completely correct because to determine the pre and post affects of any statistical process, paired sample t - test should be used and here independent samples t - test has been used which compares the mean within the groups. Also for finding the pre and post differences of the statistical analysis, the complete sample should of a same structure i.e. here we have taken the two types of students both who attend lecture and also those who do not attend. This type of analysis used in independent samples but ...