Criminology Justice

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Criminology Justice

Criminology Justice

Answer 1

For a police officer one ethical code of conduct is respect for human rights and health. The meaning of respect for human rights and health is treating everyone fairly within the guidelines of the law and with compassion, kindness, and integrity with the mindset at any given moment ready to defend and protect those human rights against adversaries (Peter, 2010).

One of the duties of a police officer must never compromise on their integrity. Honesty tends to be an effective policy mostly, but there are times when the police officers have no option but lie in order to do something good for someone. Police officers act with integrity and are open and truthful in their dealings with the public ad their colleagues, so that they can reduce crime effectively in the state. If there are large number of police officers in the department but are not performing their duty ethically and honestly then hiring additional police officers may not necessarily reduce crime in the state. Managing crime requires proper training and effective management of the department. For crime reduction, there must be proper ethical code of conduct and honesty in the performance of the officer.

Answer 2

The study is based on identifying the use of single and two officer patrols in catching criminals red handed. The research study was conducted for six months funded by UK Home Policing and Crime Reducing Unit. The methods used to collect data were questionnaires and surveys of police records and burglary site surveys. The results revealed that two officers patrol units are better in catching more burglar than one police officer patrol. Two police officers can catch as many burglars as they want and the speed of catching is faster than one police officer speed (Blake and Coupe, 2012).

Second study was conducted by SanDiego Police Department in the year 1977. The study found that both one and two police officers patrols units are no safer in the criminal environment. In comparison, one police officer seems to be more efficient in arresting criminal and have fewer chances of risk and damage. One officer can approach several methods to arrest the criminal as he is the only officer responsible for the assigned task (Ingles, 2012).

The yearlong study was conducted to compare one and two officer units operating under same scenario. The results found that more police officers can create violent and dangerous situations as compare to small number of officers in a unit. The areas covered in the research study were unit performance and quality of police patrol services provided. Under particular circumstances for example accidents, injuries and assault do not require large number of police officers because these cases can lead to violence nad officer injuries. Therefore, it depends on the situation and the nature of task assigned to the units (Boydstun, et. al, 1977).

The last study reveals that the decision to get more police officers is dependent on the AVM (automatic vehicle monitoring (AVM) ...
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