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Inheritance and environment

One definition of "personality" that explains its meaning, "internal control system, allowing for adaptation and internal integration of thoughts, feelings and behaviors in a specific particular, environment in time."

Inheritance and environment, or otherwise nature and behavior or, more professionally, genetic endowment and environmental influences, which of them has an impact on human development, or influence which of these two factors is decisive?

Natywisci is supporters of the theory, assuming that the genes that determine who we are. In their view, only genetic intervention can modify one's behavior and conduct. On the other hand, empiricists prove that the human mind is an unsaved card, which is only filled with our experience.

Psychologists also consider these two possibilities at the same time as having an impact on our development. Some are of the opinion that you should take into account their impact on each other, which is to be the result of our actions. A reasonable question that would need to seek answers is how the mutual interaction of genes and environment affect our development.

Studies have shown that matter, and confirm them in life observation that the same genotype (as with twins), or similar, will give different forms of behavior in other environments. Conversely, the same team of external factors shape different people with different genetic predispositions (Sternberg, 1997).

Psychology (Lerner, 1986) distinguishes between several levels of other environmental impacts. The first is the level of internal biological factors, and so the impact on unit still in the womb, where genetic factors can be altered such as maternal smoking, drinking, poor nutrition, completed in this time of illness.

The next level is called Individual psychological factors. Studies have confirmed the impact of maternal mental states such as stress, which was hampered during pregnancy, the unborn child.

Another factor is the level of the physical environment, the type of pollution, noise, insufficient nutrients.

The last, fourth level, the impact of their social, cultural and historical per unit. Place, time of birth and education, medical practice, living conditions and nutrition have significant implications for human development.

Environmental influences on our behavior may be different, regardless of the above-mentioned levels. Therefore, you can still find the distinction between two entirely different plane.

We can also specify a number of hereditary factors. The first type is resistant to impact indicators of the environment. Of course, manifested in the environment, they are dependent on it, but the influence on them is minimal. We are ...
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