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Activity #1

Spousal abuse is a problem of legal, moral, psychological and social. Intervention in the Domestic Violence defines, among others Law against domestic violence and its amendments. The violence awareness increasingly has seen as an act of barbarism that requires urgent action. Prevention of domestic violence may not only have a local character. Controversy over the provision under which the properly trained social workers can immediately take the child out of the house, where as a result of violence is threatened his life or health. This solution will be used particularly in situations where the guardian is intoxicated or is under the influence of narcotics. Domestic violence is a specific pathology of family life that can last a very long time, since the family as a system of defense against external influences. Preventing domestic violence is not limited to the most well-known procedure called Blue Card, which was found during a police intervention in domestic violence. Domestic violence is a crime. Prevention of violence in the family should focus on three groups of people: victims, perpetrators and witnesses (Sherman, 2002).

If violence is your participation or if you are struggling with this problem your neighbors, you can ask for help from various institutions and centers. In the search for effective ways to prevent domestic violence and help its victims involved in United States, more and more professionals and volunteers, NGOs and specialized institutions. It is not an easy task, because the family environment is and should be protected against interference from outside. Prevention of domestic violence requires a thorough understanding of the complexity of the phenomena occurring in family life, as well as special care and consideration during the intervention. Many civil society organizations want much to reduce domestic violence and get equal rights for women. These groups want to be ...
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