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It is a truism that criminology is a science of nature multidisciplinary, as it feeds on other branches in order to advocate the solutions of the distorted behavior of the individual in society, not losing sight of the factor of controlling society. The Sociology in an effort to analyze the social factors for the collective good can subsidize this science to criminal causalist jointly is the genesis of crime.

This work addresses the Criminology research and its relationship forged with sociology, from its impact on the evolution of criminology, their contributions as discipline auxiliary criminological approaches derived from it, the schools generated by sociologists trying to explain crime embedded in society and the theories of sociologists recognized the crime and its social implications (Taylor, Walton & Young, 112-119).


Criminology is a multidisciplinary science that bases its foundation on own knowledge of sociology, psychology and anthropology social, taking for this conceptual framework that defines the criminal law. Criminology studies the causes of crime and recommends remedies behavior antisocial man. Areas of research include criminology incidence and forms of crime and its causes and consequences. Also meet the social reactions and government regulations regarding the crime. Despite being a recent science and have been questioned as to their autonomy and independence, discipline, criminology has reached its modern identity and social science through (Merton, 517-525):

A transparent definition of the two objects of study ( behavior deviant and social control).

A coherent and integrated management of methods of study from the sciences and social positive.

The history of criminology is broad; its precedents are at the time of the philosophers Socrates, Plato and Aristotle who considered crime as a result of mental or inheritance. The Fathers of the Church Catholic, with the help of St. Thomas Aquinas, provided you find the genesis of crime; Characters Symbols of the Renaissance as Erasmus of Rotterdam, Martin Luther and Thomas More in his book "Utopia" which reflected on the relationship of poverty to crime and the focus of a state agency fair.

The essence of criminology begins with the author Cesar Fellow summarized in his work (of the offenses and penalties) the laws exist, trying to find the equality of all citizens before the law and avoid an interpretation of moral concepts deflected by judges . Enrico Ferri is considered one of the pioneers of criminology and was taken as the starting point of the school classic. With this classical school ended the injustices arising from the application of criminal law, generalizing the respect for the law, and recognizing individual rights by limiting the power of the State. Its foundations were laid in 1839 by Antonio Rosini his work Philosophy of Diritto (Cullen & Messner, 5-37).

In the nineteenth century, begin to apply the methods of observational science to crime in order to determine the causes of crime. They begin to be born criminological schools, tours to explain the causes of crime from diverse disciplines that are supplemental or ancillary to the criminological discipline.


It is the science that studies, describes and analyzes the processes ...
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