Criminology studies the causes of crime and recommends remedies for antisocial behavior of a man. Criminological research areas include the incidence and forms of crime and its causes and consequences.
The growth in social inequality, lack of opportunities, inequality in the distribution of wealth, are some of the ingredients that promote generation of a fertile breeding ground for increased violence and crime in society. Unemployment and low wages can be made ??more attractive option offense as a way to fill some needs, and whereas some people feel aggrieved by the inequality comparison between what they and others receive for their efforts, thus deciding to pursue the crime. According to the National Survey of Income and Expenditure Survey of National Institute of Statistics, Geography and Informatics (ENIGH-2004's INEGI), the poorest households in Mexico (Decile I) receive 49.5 pesos per day in average, the richest households (decile X) obtained 1 000 142 pesos per day in average. On the other hand also the social cost implication has the phenomenon of crime there is also a significant economic cost. In one study conducted by the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank, the reports that costs generated by criminal activities in our country amounted to about 15% of GDP (Anderson 2009, 611).
Growing insecurity is creating a distortion in the allocation of the public and private resources. At the private level, there is a transferring part of the income and property of the population engaged in lawful activities to the population carrying illicit activities through the offense of theft, also, people are spending resources to personal safety rather than channel them to productive projects, savings and investment, consumption goods or services other than private security, including other. At the public level, crime raises the level of country risk, which results in the reduction of domestic and foreign investment, which implies lower growth economical and less generation of jobs. Looking at the labor shortage and maldistribution of income, we assume that both situations influence in defining the criminal profile of the country due sentenced to crimes of federal jurisdiction and are mainly of theft, which in turn are mostly committed by people whose range of Age ranged from 12 to 35, same as is in the category of greatest impact in terms of unemployment and lack of opportunities education and development.
This profile reveals that a criminal subgroup of people who commit crimes, choose these activities rather than working, because they find opportunity in the labor market, or do not get the compensation they expect, being more profitable practice illegal activities, particularly theft and sale of illicit origin products, say also piracy. Since this is important to consider that a comprehensive public policy reduce crime rates in the country should include economic, among other things, a national economic growth at rates higher 6% a year to reduce the backlog in the generation of jobs, but this growth must be accompanied by a better distribution of wealth national, to abate the marginalization in the country's ...