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Criminal Justice

Criminal Justice


Developing emotional skills in children is vital since it is the premises based on which children are able develop relationship with others. It is vital for children to develop emotional skills since it will aid in developing social competence. Not just the developmental psychologists but also the media scholars have said to argue that the media of television plays a vital part in the emotional development of the children. It is reviews that there exists a link amidst the emotions of the children and the media. It is pointed out that the children are quick to learn about the nature and the causal factor behind the differentiating emotions by watching the emotional experience that are exhibited on news and other current affair oriented news. News that is related to children and especially child abduction can have severe consequences on the mental development of the children. They tend to have an empathetic approach towards people undergoing the problem but at the same time can have lasting emotional impact on the children. They tend to be upset mentally and then intensity of impact varies according to the age of the children (Hayes, 1992).

There are strong evidences that explore and analyze how media's exposure on child abduction or any other incident related to children impacts a child. Evidences have shown that impact varies from one child to the other depending on the kind of personality they possess. Some children have shown evidences of aggressiveness while the others have exhibited high levels of stress, fear of being abducted or abused, isolation and depression. As children have grown up the impact that they have had since childhood has proven to prolong and has hindered the personality and mental development of the children. They tend to continue with the symptoms of aggressiveness, high levels of stress, fear of being abducted or abused, isolation and depression. For some children it has intensified and for some it has declined but still has its presence. It is also stated that the degree of susceptibility of the influence of child abduction news has varied according the gender of the child, his/her age, their approach towards reality and media and the level to which they are able to identify themselves with the people or the victim that is highlighted in the news. It is also stated that it is solely the parents that have the capability of enhancing the positive impact of media and minimizing the risks that are associated with it (Wilson, 1985).

The higher the number of incidents highlighted higher is the trust for the law enforcing agencies is lost.


Based on what people have heard people have the tendency to form perceptions without investigation or without checking the extent to which it is credible and whether it is coming from the right source.

Rumor is a social influence because it can originate in a group or in an institution to address the behaviors, beliefs, and opinions of an individual. But it can also start with a fact ...
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