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Federal versus State Policy Comparison

Federal versus State Policy Comparison


The criminal system of Justice of the United States of America is said to be decentralized. The federal government of USA has little to do as far as its role is concerned. There are numerous criminal cases that has come by which are to be handled by the state as well as the local government of the United States of America. The state oriented government has power in terms of constitution that can grant them the authority of jurisdiction with respect to the criminal process of Justice. The role that the federal government plays is termed as supportive such as that of providing funds to ensure that activities that relate to the process of criminal justice. At the same time it also handles cases which have the features of the warrant national attention. This in turn has created notable differences in terms of criminal justice oriented policy amidst federal and the state government. This in turn serves to analyze thoroughly the notable differences as well as the similarity in the initiation as well as the implementation of the policy of criminal justice amidst the government (Cummane, 2000).

Ethics of Criminal Justice System in USA

The ultimate mission of USA is law enforcement which is mandatory with respect to the constitution of the United States of America. After the attack of 9/11 from the terrorists, it gave USA a reality check to keep a constant forecast on the attacks which are possibly likely to occur in the near future. The mission then ensured the protection of the company to be of utmost priority. The war of the justice system against the terrorism further involved a need of investigations that are associated with protecting the country. It aims at safe guarding the countries rights and people. It does this by making a point that whoever enters the country is scrutinized to ensure safety. To ensure this is done effectively the police has been given further training so that their skills are enhanced to become an efficient police force (Bayley, 1993). It involves the detection of the illegal trespass along with identification of forgery in terms of document and the foreign detectives that tend to do illegal activities of transfer of confidential data amidst countries (Albrecht, 1996)

However there is a certain degree of disagreement in relation to the enforcement of the law that is present and practiced due to crimes and terrorism. It also includes the different tactics that exist and are utilized in law enforcement against the terrorist. Some tactics that are utilized are coercive and undermining which is present in the prison of US in Guatemala. The guilty criminals present are treated in a brutal and inhuman way that is the source of undermining the concept of freedom. All prisoners regardless of the fact whether who have committed a crime or are suspected to have committed are treated in a very harsh manner. This also is a source of undermining the freedom for ...
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