Criminal Reintegration

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Analyzing the Stance of Criminal Reintegration



Background of the prisons

Lifestyle prisoners spend in there

Behavior of Past Criminal

The behavior of prisoners after getting free

They perform shameful acts


Covers problems of criminals who integrate with the society and the justice they get


Overall situation that criminals face during reintegration

There are more people who find difficulty settling down

Restorative Justice

The justice that people get during reintegration with the society


The closing of the paper

Highlight the importance of successful reintegration

Analyzing the Stance of Criminal Reintegration


Since ancient times, the word prison is known by all as a place of detention for the purpose of punishing and to charge the crime. Yet even at the end of the detention sentence is still there. Indeed rehabilitation was considered late. It was not until 1791 to hear the words "Rehabilitating much as punish." Was the motto of the founders of the modern prison? Reintegration has a very specific meaning: it is inserted; reintroduce someone in the company in a group. For these words are of value to people and mark their minds, it would be easy to illustrate our subject by a very simple example: when a student comes three months after the start it must adapt to new methods of teaching and it makes its way through the class since there are groups already created. Similarly, an individual who is ten years in prison and cut off from the world will do the same job but at a higher level. Is it so easy to win as such? We must add that 60% of inmates released unemployed and about 25% have less than two dollars at the end, which brings us to about a recurrence in three (Braithwaite, 1989).

Behavior of Past Criminal

Shaming has long been associated with methods of social control throughout the world's history. All three of the major components of the criminal justice system policing, the courts, and corrections have played a part in this social process, particularly the correctional system and the courts, from which many of the shaming methods were promulgated. The earliest human shaming elements were much less formal and often involved society's citizens policing themselves in this manner.

In the United States in the 1970s, shaming measures again became popular as tougher penal sentences began to be perceived by the courts and citizens as ineffective. Judges across the country doled out sentences that incorporated shaming in the punishments; though they were less severe and incorporated less physical pain, they still relied on emotional pain. Wearing signs or clothing that reveal past criminal activity, affixing bumper stickers that disclose a drunk driving charge, advertising crimes in newspapers, and other measures have become the new shaming penalties (Braithwaite, 2000).

Many people advocate shaming sentences as they are viewed as an effective way of deterring crime, especially if used along with apologies and informal means of restitution within the larger context of a system of justice that focuses on reintegration of offenders as well as victim's ...
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