Criminal Procedures

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Criminal Procedures

Criminal Procedures

The paper will be based on me being a detective for a crime scene involving multiple victims. A knife has been obtained from the crime scene and

Steps taken when receiving the knife from the first officer

When the knife was received the most important step was to secure the scene. The scene includes possible victims, suspects and witnesses. The interview of the witnesses and suspects will be helpful in providing an overview of the crime scene. The first officer will also provide a detailed overview and interview will be asked. The interviews will also be helpful in solving the case more easily about how it took place and determine how it was committed. After the information provided by the first officer the information provided by the witnesses will be analyzed. The information provided at the time of interviews is not always realistic. Most of them are based on witness testimonials, memories and first impressions.

Sometimes this information does not correlate to the evidence collected. It is true when witnesses may or not may not be related to those involved in the crime. This information is considered important as the criminal investigator base his case findings on it. The importance of identifying the elements of crime and their physical evidence is that they can prove the charge of crime and link the suspect to the victim or the crime scenes. It takes in to account the people associated with the crime, to confirm the testimony of the victim, set the operation mode of the invader and link cases together or acquit the innocent. It is also more reliable and objective for testimonial evidence and the development of skill in this regard has become more important (Stelfox, 2007).

Establishing the chain of custody

The Chain of Custody is the process which ensures the identification, security and preservation of material elements and evidence collected according to their nature. They are incorporated in any investigation of offense to ensure their authenticity for the purpose of the process. Chain of custody is a procedure established by legal regulations. These aims to ensure the integrity, preservation and immutability of material evidence and documents, samples (organic and inorganic), firearms , projectiles, weapons, drugs and their derivatives, etc. They are delivered to forensic crime laboratories or by the competent authority to discuss and obtain by the experts, technical or scientific expert concept.

Maintaining the chain of custody ...
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