Criminal Procedure

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Criminal Procedure


Law enforcement office is the agent and employee of government whose main duties are law enforcement in the North American region (Skolnick, 1966). Peoples are typically wrongly connected officers of law enforcement with the security guards because they did not have any right to enforce any law such as Safety of Community. This paper will summarize the brief point of 4th, 5th, 6th and 14th amendments. In later part of this paper it will discuss the role of law enforcement officer in non-violation civilians right but protecting them.


In today's time, police are the major source that maintains the order in the various functions; it involves enforcement of law, prevention from crime, order and peace maintenance in their community. Main objective of these officers are to provide protection for people that live in their community (Breitel, 1959), keeping peace that comes into the views when the occurrence of the big event in the larger group of people. The prevention of crime is basically the combination of both enforcement of law and the maintenance order. Law enforcement officer top duties are included to maintain law of traffics, conducting surveillance, patrolling and making arrest.

Rules of Procedures in Amendments

There are the following amendments in IV, V, VI, and VII that describe the enforcement of law about people's right.

Amendment IV

This amendment describes that it is the right of the people that secure the individuals, houses, documents from the unreasonable seizures and searches that should not to be violated and there should be no warrant should be issues against nay un-probable cause that is supporting by the affirmation or oath (Imwinkelried, 1984). This is particularly describing that the law enforcement officers should have only right to search the place and the individual rights should be protect (not violated).

Amendment V

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