Criminal Law

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Criminal Law

Criminal Law


Murder is offense of deliberately making the death of someone without legal reason or rationalization. Murder is an offense that comes under the class of criminal killing. State regulations pertaining to murdering and killing are mostly the toughest lawless individual laws. The classification of murder and assassination are convoluted but are often divided into a couple of categories as asserted by severity (Ehrenberg, Victor, 2011).

Most nations have administration over lawless individual situations of assassination. The government structure organizes all situations of killing encompassing the death of a government agent when the killing occurs on the state house, and farther exact conditions. Each homeland sets up and applies its own directions on the significance and penalties of assassination. Most nations contemplate on certain activities of killing (those with infuriating features) as capital lawless individual actions, which signify that they are punishable by death. Others manage not address that any kind of killing a capital misdeed (Fickling, David, 2004).

Causation Issues

It is common opinion that the causal link between the conduct of the harmful event driven and is one of the essential conditions of civil liability. It is therefore common sense refuses to admit the existence of damage that must be supported by those who have not contributed to its realization.Very often the damage derived from a concatenated series of events, or equivalently, a plurality of diverse causes, and all of them, regardless of whether direct or indirect, remote or near, constitute a precedent without which the outcome has not been verified. When this happens, the practice of law is at a crossroads to establish to which or to which of these causes (or conditions) corresponds to attribute legal significance. The complexity of the issue stems from the facts are perfectly drawn, but, usually, or mass comprising a set of events that act as determinants or contributory determinants of successive phenomena, and that they interfere with each other in their respective derivations, so as to present a fuzzy picture it difficult to discover the causal link which is investigating.

However, in order to be able to establish a legal criterion value that allows to define the problem and build, therefore, to the cause category, one or a few of the many precedents that contribute to the production of harmful outcome (damage) have formulated various theories that, in the end of its various interpretations do nothing more than cloud the issue (e.g. proximate cause, adequate causation, efficient cause dominant condition, a necessary condition, etc.)


Before we start to further elaborate the case lets start witht he notion by assuming that the weapon found was a dagger and she was stabbed at the point event due to which Susan was found injured and bleeding. In this case, it can be said that the death was caused due to attack by Jim as he stabbed her due which she was bleeding, which occurred when Jim injured Susan, while trying to steal her purse. Due to this, she had lots of bleeding, which caused ...
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