Criminal Law

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Criminal Law

Criminal Law

(a)Discuss Harry's criminal liability arising out of the incident with Ena and the injury suffered by Javad.

Criminal liability is the most particular kind of legal responsibility (along with civil, administrative, disciplinary, etc.), and represents a reaction to the state before the offense. The subject has committed a criminal act, strictly subject to criminal liability and is subject to certain negative for it measures its impact, and the state represented by the court and various penal authorities respectively have the right to impose on the offender criminally responsible.

Harry's criminal liability was for the incident with Ena and Javad. Both the victims were injured due to Harry's irresponsible skateboarding. For a physical attack to occur, there must be specific elements present: intent, the act, the victim, and in some instances, the ability. For an act to be labelled an assault, the intent to commit a battery or to cause fear of bodily harm must be established. The battery itself does not have to be proven, but simply one person's violation of another's personal space. In addition, an act must take place that establishes an actor's having intended and/or taken significant steps toward committing the battery. In the case, of establishing fear, words alone are not enough to establish an attempted battery; physical gestures must be used in conjunction with the words to support the assumption that bodily harm is imminent. The victim does not need to be aware that the crime is about to occur for police to establish assault; however, in cases of establishing fear, the victim must be made aware of the possibility of bodily harm (a threat). Finally, the ability to a commit an assault must be proven in many states.

Does Harry may be liable, if charged under Article 47 of the Offences Against the Person Act 1861 Assault and battery common law crimes, but more serious crimes against persons found in Offences Against the Person Act 1861 (Simester & von Hirsch, 2002). Section 47 OAPA States that the punishable crime of causing bodily harm may cause custody up to five years for assaulting another man. The actus Reus defines bodily injury as a victim is suffering from some injuries. Injuries are not to be serious or life-threatening liable under s.47 as bruising or abrasions enough. Bodily harm (ABH) also includes mental injuries, such as neurotic disorders, which affect the central nervous system, but in court, the expert evidence necessary to prove a causal despite the victim's opportunity to testify of the symptoms of psychiatric injury. In this case, Harry spoke Reus objective, he conscientiously performed laser treatment on Alice. Actus Reus can be an act, omission or state of affairs here, Harry performed the act. Subjective intent to attack the victim apprehends immediate and unlawful violence or recklessness whether such fears are actually caused or not.

Intentional crime of serious injury, as described in paragraph 2 of LC218, replaces Section 18 OAPA 1861. The maximum penalty is life ...
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