Criminal Law

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Criminal Law

Criminal Law


This particular essay is considering a case in which a wife (Astrid) has stabbed her husband (Bart) due to his consistent humiliation on her personal life. There is no history of any physical abuse although, what woman has faced is a constant pressure in his personal life which was due to her husband's ill treatment. The day on which she actually stabbed her husband was the day of a celebration. There was a small party given in the honour of the woman's promotion where she was one again insulted by her husband but this time in form of so many guests.

The following discussion is made in order to do a thorough discussion regarding the potential criminal liabilities which might be held on Astrid in relation to the death of her husband. This will also be inclusive of the extents of criminal liability, including the application of partial defences for the particular case.


There are so many forms of domestic violence which are able to make the individual highly frustrated. There are so many examples which have shown that the results domestic violence might be catastrophic. While talking about the domestic violence there are so many forms of attempt which are able to make the sufferer an avenger if the issues between the two are not results.

Different kinds of domestic violence actions perpetrated by abusers are inclusive of the attempts like physical, emotional, verbal, sexual, and psychological and so on (Bragg, 2003). This particular case comes under the verbal as well as psychological violence. As here the Astrid is provoked by her husband's day to day pressures and the way he treats her all the time. This particular case gives a very clear evidence that how continuous pressures might result if there is no understanding between the two ...
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