Criminal Law

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Criminal Law

Criminal Law


Criminal Law has been an important constituent of all legal systems and all countries that are engrossed and embedded in findings ways to bring down and eradicate the problems and issues that exist in the country or in nations across the globe.

In this paper, a similar case of a rather routine nature, but generally looked with keen suspicion is usually among the kind of occurrence that pave way in the world today. Although routine and generally caused with particular context to human behavior, robbery is one particular casualty and charged pressed upon human beings, undertaken for a variety of reasons.

Cases upon Robbery and Larceny

One statue which formed the basis of doctrine for the English Court was the Carrier's Case (1473) 13 Edw. IV, f. 9, pl. 5 (Star Chamber and Exchequer Chamber). The doctrine suggested that if a bailee or the person transporting on behalf of the merchandise and harm the content, it constitutes and implies a form of larceny.

The case that has notified for larceny is Oxford v Moss [1979] Crim LR 119, where a student took up a copy of an exam that was breached, the questions were then taken up by the student and hence the company was returned. Although the commodity was stolen, temporarily disregarding the the University of its possession, it was then returned.

Another case that had been done was Williams v Phillips (1957) 41 Cr App R 5, where the person constructing his house forbade the workers rendering their service in the house to collect the residual items for themselves. Although the householder had bought of the goods, it was then entitled that no acquaintance of property taken up by oneself should be undertaken, leading to theft and robbery on the part of the workers.

Robbery and Larceny: from the view of Florida's Law

Robbery and Larceny has been given distinct, individual representations and have separate individual treatment when it comes to punishment and resolution of conflict that has occurred in this particular instance. A person has custody if he has actual physical control of the property but the person who has constructive possession has substantially restricted the custodian's right to use the property.

One must understand that robbery, in the eyes of Florida Law, implies and suggests that it relates to money or any other property that has been stolen; although traces of larceny have been visible and evident when it ...
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