Criminal Law

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Criminal Law

Executive Summary

The paper discusses the criminal law against case of Shirley, who was being victimized by one of his director Felix. Under the Sexual offence 2003, the paper highlights various aspects in this regard for better understanding of the situation. Thus, after studying the case, it is quite clear that Shirley was the victim of sexual offence according to the sexual offence act 2003. The other parties James, Felix and Magda fall in different other offences. The potential criminal liability of Felix would be to manipulate and deceive a person in to an immodest intimate relation with himself; in this case it was Shirley. The action committed was not of mutual consent; rather it was deceptive with the deception being Felix who drugged Shirley so that they could engage in an intimate intercourse. If Shirley desires she can lodge complain and sue Felix for his immoral and immodest actions. According to the Sexual offence 2003 Shirley can sue and get felix apprhended for this act. As indicated earlier, sex and aggression are also combined in sadomasochistic pornography, which is very common.

Table of Content


Advise for James regarding his potential criminal liability:4

Advise for Shirley regarding her potential criminal liability:5

Advise for Magda regarding her potential criminal liability:7

Advise for Felix regarding his potential criminal liability:7

The Case Analysis7

Criminal Responsibility8

Violent Offender Registry8


Discussion and Analysis12

Sex Crimes12


When it is understood that there is a violation?13

Society's Protection against Sexual Predators14

Biological and Psychological Factors14

Statistical Analysis15

Factual Considerations16

Criminal Law


The sex are pervading of our culture, which are going beyond the bedroom into workplace, media and the church. Despite all such attention and the obsession that is being devoted to human sexuality, sex remains confusing and even foreboding. Thus, some contemporary issues that generates as much conflict and heat in the society and within the church, as those having to do with the human sexuality. The controversy has continued over homosexuality, that includes the debate over causation, ability to change orientation and legitimization. In this paper we will address a common theme in our society that are "sexual crimes,'' from the example of the case, and it will lead to explain sexual offences, classification, behaviours that lead to attack them, penalties, etc

Despite an apparent sexual freedom, sexuality remains taboo, guilty, embarrassing, shameful and rarely happy. Is that, in fact, there is no true freedom as we stumble moral laws still blaming the genitals. Yet, it is one of two fundamental aspects of human sexuality and the denial can only harm our sexual fulfilment. Indeed, investing only link fusion to another - such as current discourse encourage us to do - keeps us in a romantic dream frustrating because no rooted in the body and therefore never fully felt. Through history and a critique of current conceptions of love and sex, but also through original thinking and strong sex-logical knowledge, the author invites us to question the guilt of “sex for sex.”

About The Case

When relating to the case, one can say that Shirley become the victim of his casting director ...
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