Criminal Law

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Criminal Law

Criminal Law

Introduction to the Case

This case is about a person called Danny Johnson, who loves to gamble. This bad habit of Danny leads him to a big trouble when he loses a lot of money in gambling and borrowing thousands of pounds from Martin, who is a money lender. To pay back the huge amount of Martin, Danny plans to rob a mobile phone warehouse but, his life immensely changes from there on. He is caught stealing at the warehouse by Victor, the watchman of the warehouse .The two of them get into an argument until Danny smashes a punch on his face and Victor is about to fall off the roof . He somehow manages to hold the roof and asks Danny to save his life. Danny, on the other hand, is not interested in saving Victor, but himself from getting trapped. As a result, Victor cannot hold the roof for long and he falls off the roof, hurting himself with serious internal injuries. On the other hand, Danny is also caught by the police, who reached on the location because of the alarm signal. Victor is taken to the hospital where he is visited by his wife and son, who is 4 years of age. As they are leaving, Victor's son accidentally knocks the intravenous saline drip from Victor's arm. Neither his wife, nor any of the medical staff notice that the drip has been knocked out. After 2 days Victor slips in to a coma, caused by the lack of saline in his system, and dies. Danny accepts that he was trying to break in to the warehouse, but denies that he is responsible for Victor's death. This is how Danny gets himself into a situation where he can actually get a very severe punishment for the rest of his life.


Criminal law is the legal basis for the implementation of criminal justice and the criminal policy of the country. Preliminary investigation, carried out by domestic courts, is based on strict enforcement of criminal justice system. No one can be prosecuted and convicted for acts that are not recognized as crimes by the criminal justice system. There is an established rule that courts and law enforcement agencies are obliged to apply the criminal law at the time of the offense. This means that a person, who has committed a crime, is liable to be prosecuted under the provisions of the criminal law in force. This shift was influenced by the return to justice, movement in the United States, which led to the reforms in the American criminal justice system.

On the basis, of Article 54 and paragraph “a” of Article 71 of the Constitution and Article 8 of the Criminal Code of UK, criminal responsibility shall lie on a person, who commits an act that contains all the elements of crime under the Criminal Code of UK. In accordance with Part 3 of Article 15 of the Criminal Law of UK, laws shall be officially published, ...
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