Criminal Justice

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Criminal Justice

Criminal Justice


Probation is just a part of committing a crime but the judge is the main person who decides the time period of a criminal who must serve in jail and how much time after imprisonment is going to be served in probation. On the other hand, Parole is a conviction over a good behavior of a criminal who is already in jail and comes up in court for his parole to get a chance for proving himself not guilty.


Probation means, a time period in which a person is kept on trial under supervision. In probation is with respect to law, where a system of dealing with offenders is of consideration. Here, one talks about probation, it is an alternative measure to a sentence of imprisonment, including imprisonment or house arrest, which provides the legal systems of some countries. It is possible to impose the sentence if they meet certain requirements of law, which allows convicted of a criminal conviction in fulfilling its liberty, subject to certain obligations or under certain conditions, for example, do not commit new crimes or misdemeanors. In case of breach of such conditions, the person to whom parole was granted must serve his sentence in prison (Law Library, 2013).

Similarly, this figure is viewed in some legal systems as a rehabilitation measure that allows the convicted person after serving a certain proportion of the sentence and other requirements, completing his sentence in freedom, subject to a certain condition. Another way how probation is taken is by placing the noun “on” with probation. On probation is the trial period during which an offender has time to redeem him or herself. It is the trial period or test period during which something or some is on test. Here, the word probation where work is of concern it is with respect to a probationary period. The probationary period may not exceed 3 months and in some cases provided by law 6 months. If the employee during the trial was absent from work for justifiable reasons, the probation period may be extended to the corresponding number of days. So by placing on word before the word probation makes its meaning and the context it changes (Law Library, 2013).

Inmates on parole are a concept in which inmates are released by an enforcement of the sentence of imprisonment which aims to contribute to the better protection of society by facilitating the ...
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