Criminal Justice

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Criminal Justice

Criminal Justice


Justice is the most significant factor for ruling any country. This justice would discriminate the different races people positively or negatively. Sometimes these criminal justice system has proceed by taking immediate measures steps for any crime and the decisions has been accurate by inspecting the overall scenario of crime. This situation must be satisfactory for the people because the criminal justice department has provided right decisions. In some cases, the criminal justice department is unable to take adequate or accurate decisions because they usually follow the races and ethnicity rules. This strategy is mostly implemented in United States and this remain the burning question of African American that why they would able to take all the equal rights which other Americans citizens has acquired by their government. Being as an African American, it's hard to survive under these perilous and turmoil situation where the justice system is totally vanished and not to consider for African American people. The races system has enlightened this topic more critically which hard for the African people to adjust under the injustice system where they cannot find any righteousness system for them (US Department of Justice, 1997).


The criminal justice in US is not fair and mostly they favored according to the races system which hard to survive and tolerated for the other communities whose living in the same country. It is one of the fundamental rights of every citizen in any developed society. Through justice, it is a significant responsibility of every government to make their society more affluent and a better society among the other country's societies. This would be probable if the government would eradicate the races system and justice according to the fair inspection. Criminal impartiality system is a structure comprising of organizations and various other practices with a solitary purpose of contravention the strength of character of crime by hold up the control of the overall society and by strenuous those who do not tolerate by the justice laws of the city and engage in felony activities (President's Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice, 1967)..

This research paper has focused on the criminal justice system concerning to the African American males in the US. According to a research of different investigators that has enlightened these discrimination justice systems of black and white people in US. About thirty percent of the black men are under the age of (20-29) are under custody of criminal justice system and face the heinous sentenced and other tortured systems which are hard to face. The races and ethnicity system has followed in US where the white have more priorities to defend themselves as compared to black people.

The African American men are not financially stable as compared to American men; this gap has widened and enhanced the impartiality system which cannot undergo the justice system. The criminal justice department mostly avoids taking African American case when they filed any case in the US court for their land reforms and the other ...
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