Criminal Justice

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Criminal Justice

Criminal Justice


Legal issues are fundamentally important for each country. The views regarding the crime the penalties differ between UK countries. The theme of crime and the means to control it carries on its own nature i.e. a strong emotional appeal. In UK, where the security issues are gaining dimensions, few people and institutions are dedicating to study them seriously. Precarious available data are available to substantiate accurate diagnoses and effective policies to reduce violence and crime. It is known that prison populations are anywhere in the world (Prime et. al., 1998). The end result of a process which involves losses at various stages of functioning of the criminal justice system. Therefore, it is impossible to trace features criminals or measure the size of the crime from the reality of prison.

In fact, the lack of regular surveys of victimization and insufficient computerization of the Criminal Justice System as a whole, it is practically impossible determine the actual extent of crime in our country. There are no reliable data to determine the black figure i.e. the difference between the number of crimes committed and those who come to the attention of the police (Field et. al., 1990). The theories of special prevention, postulated the modern criminal policy, crime prevention is addressed through the work of the author. The prevention does not seek particular social group intimidation or retribution from the fact practiced, but only to preventing recidivism, allowing better individualization of criminal remedy (Wood, 2004).


There are various theories have emerged which argue that the penalty could have a preventive nature. The omission of the State when necessary implementation generates a collective disbelief in the possibility of punishment for transgression of a rule. In this case, the criminal justice system should play a role of paramount importance, it was not the impression of impunity reigning one of its main features. The best use of the criminal justice system is the crime prevention (Christophersen & Cotton, 2004). Various studies emphasize that understanding the causes of violence and crime is what allows making predictions right ones. Thus, the public security measures that represent actual interventions to the control of crime can be taken in an efficient way.

Accepting the premise that the State's action is preventing crimes should be paused for a scientific process of determining the causes that lead to violence. There is a need to revisit the theories on the subject in order to assess the feasibility of methods of operation. However, for this understanding there is a range of currents that assess the possible motivations of violence or committing crimes. Such chains represent paradigms that can be adopted by the State on grounds of public policy formulation and security (Boreham et. al., 2006). The evolution of theories about the causes of violence has developed in constant dialogue with the sciences social. The laws determine individual behaviours through sanctions and social control. Thus, law enforcement on a case generates consequences that must be analyzed on a micro level of analysis, taking the ...
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