Crimes In Uk

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Crimes in UK over 150 Years

Crimes in UK Over 150 Years


Crime refers to a set of acts that are carried out against the laws that are being implemented and accepted by the entire society overall. Crime can also be defined as 'the conduct of person who do not meet the requirements of the given society and violate the laws of that particular society' (Connelly, 2006). As a result, the crime may differ depending on criminal code of each country. A criminal who commits a crime on several occasions can be regarded a reclusive person, since his or her actions undermine the normal functioning of our society, endangering a different nature to its members.

Crime is a unique human behavior, however, as not a spontaneous phenomenon; there are always factors that cause or trigger crime. Criminal aggravation can be considered as the expression of a serious and complicated social unrest which has a straightforward impact on criminal law (Fisher, 2010). Crimes are carried out in every country of the world and throughout the history. It is not observed in other organisms, in which aggression is limited and prevails only to feed and protect the species and territory. This paper evaluates the study of crime, and how it has changed during the last 150 years.

Crime in World

The world is facing new challenges due to the advent of a diverse range of scientific gadgets that incline the unlawful activities. There has been an increasing trend in the unlawful activities throughout the world. The graph given below explicates the increasing trend of crimes in the world.

Crimes in United Kingdom

Crimes in United Kingdom are continuously on the rise. If we analyze the historical information that is depicted in the graph given below, we come to know that the criminal activities are gradually increasing.

In the initial decades of the century, the reported crimes in United Kingdom were below one million annually. This statistic gradually increased until the post 9/11 incident. Following the threats of terrorist acts, the security was strengthened. This strengthened security arrangements has contributed to lesser threats of terrorism (Ojeda, 2002). A criminal justice system in United Kingdom consists of the social and legal institutions that enforce the criminal law in confirmation to the defined procedures, limitations and rules. There is a separate state, military and federal criminal justice systems. Each of the states has separate systems for juveniles and adults.

This system ...
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